Child Life Hospice and Palliative Network

CLHPN is a professional community
of Certified Child Life Specialists
(CCLS) actively engaged in hospice
and palliative care.

To learn more about CLHPN and
our education offerings for your
organization, staff, or community,
please contact us at

The CLHPN community focuses on:

Increasing awareness of the benefits of child life services for children, adults, and communities experiencing illness, trauma, and loss while receiving hospice and palliative care

Educating the wider healthcare community and child life specialists practicing in different settings about the role of child life in hospice and palliative care

Developing best practices in care for families experiencing serious illness

CLHPN welcomes Certified Child
Life Specialists focused on care
for children and families
experiencing serious illness
or death.

Our community members:

Are at the forefront of establishing and implementing clinical best practices for Certified Child Life Specialists in hospice and palliative work

Attend monthly meetings that promote connection, education, and case study sharing

Receive optional PDUs when attending CLHPN education sessions

Participate in CLHPN’s forum, a members-only place to seek supervision opportunities, problem solve tough cases, and receive educational resources

If you are a Certified Child Life Specialist and are interested in joining this professional community. Please fill out the CLHPN Community Sign up to determine eligibility. 

For more information, please contact

Research and Publications

NPHPCO history document: CLHPN co-founders Jennifer Mangers and Alyssa Friedberg summarize the evolution of CCLS in hospice and palliative care and highlight the need for additional data on their practice in the field in the NPHCO Pediatric e-Journal.

CLHPN Needs Assessment findings: To better understand the current work environment and education needs of CCLS working in hospice and palliative care, CLHPN conducted a needs assessment in collaboration with The HAP Foundation.

We are excited to share that our research was published in the American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine.

Mangers-Deans, J., Friedberg, A., Downing, K., & Lindley, L.C. (2024). Certified child life specialists in hospice and palliative care organizations: A state of the profession. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine. Epub.

For general information about this professional community, or information to share with fellow Certified Child Life Specialists, review the document here.

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